Tuesday 9 September 2014

Database Connection using VB.Net class

This Class, implemented in VB .Net, is  used to connect and execute queries on Microsoft SQL Server database. It uses Data.SqlClient library to perform database operations.

Methods implemented in this class

1.    Public Shared Function OpenConnection() As Boolean
This function is used to open the database connection based on the given connection string. cnnString is a data member of this class  which will contain the connection string (Parameters required for connecting to a database).

2.    Public Shared Function CloseConnection() As Boolean
This function closes the database connection and returns the status.

3.    Public Shared Function ExecuteQuery(ByVal strSQL As String) As SqlDataReader
ExecuteQuery function is used to execute a SELECT query and returns the output as a SqlDataReader object.

4.    Public Shared Function ExecuteUpdate(ByVal strSQL As String) As Boolean
ExecuteUpdate is used execute queries other than SELECT and returns the status as boolean

5.    Public Shared Function ExecuteBatchUpdate(ByVal colSQL As Collection) As Boolean
ExecuteBatchUpdate is used to execute a set of NON-SELECT queries as a batch. The queries will be executed as batch and ensures all queries in the batch are executed by using SqlTransaction class.

6.    Public Shared Function BackupDatabase(ByVal strDatabse As String, ByVal strFileName As String, ByVal strBackupName As String) As Boolean
BackupDatabase is used to create a backup file of the database. It takes name of database, backup filename, and name of backup as arguments and creates the backup file.

7.    Public Shared Function RestoreDatabase(ByVal strDatabse As String, ByVal strBackupFileName As String, ByVal strRestorePath As String) As Boolean
BackupDatabase is used to restore the database from a backup file. It takes name of database, backup filename, and restore path as arguments and restores the database.

How to use this class?
Following is an ideal usage of this class. Here ConnectionManager class is used to connect to an MS-SQL Server database and to insert a record to a table.

ConnectionManager.cnnString=”Data Source=MY_DB_SERVER;Initial Catalog=dbMyDB;User ID=my_username;Password=my_password;”
If ConnectionManager.OpenConnection()=True then
    If ConnectionManager.ExecuteUpdate (“INSERT INTO tblMyTable VALUES(100,’csnotes’”,’csnotes@gmail.com’)=True then
        MsgBox “New record has been Inserted”
        MsgBox “Faioled to insert record”

    End If
    ConnectionManager. CloseConnection()
End if

Here MY_DB_SERVER is the name of the database server.
dbMyDB is the name of the database.
my_username is the name of the user to connect to the database server.
my_password is the password of the database user.

Source Code of the class

'Imports the  SqlClient library to connect to database
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class ConnectionManager
    Public Shared cnnString As String
    Public Shared cnnSQLClient As SqlConnection

   'Function to open database connection
    Public Shared Function OpenConnection() As Boolean
        Dim blnOpenStatus As Boolean
            cnnSQLClient = New SqlConnection
            cnnSQLClient.ConnectionString = cnnString
            blnOpenStatus = True
        Catch ex As Exception
            cnnSQLClient = Nothing
            blnOpenStatus = False
        End Try
        Return blnOpenStatus
    End Function

  'Function to close database connection
    Public Shared Function CloseConnection() As Boolean
        Dim blnCloseStatus As Boolean
            cnnSQLClient = Nothing
            blnCloseStatus = True
        Catch ex As Exception
            cnnSQLClient = Nothing
            blnCloseStatus = False
        End Try
        Return blnCloseStatus
    End Function

   'Function to execute  SELECT queries
     Public Shared Function ExecuteQuery(ByVal strSQL As String) As SqlDataReader
        Dim cmdCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim drReader As SqlDataReader

cmdCommand = New SqlCommand()                    cmdCommand.Connection = cnnSQLClient
            cmdCommand.CommandText = strSQL
            drReader = cmdCommand.ExecuteReader()

        Catch ex As Exception
            drReader = Nothing
        End Try
        Return drReader
 End Function

  'Function to execute NON SELECT queries
    Public Shared Function ExecuteUpdate(ByVal strSQL As String) As Boolean
        Dim cmdCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim blnStatus As Boolean = False

            cmdCommand = New SqlCommand()
            cmdCommand.Connection = cnnSQLClient           
            cmdCommand.CommandText = strSQL
            blnStatus = True

        Catch ex As Exception
            blnStatus = False
        End Try
        Return blnStatus
    End Function

  'Function to execute a batch of queries
    Public Shared Function ExecuteBatchUpdate(ByVal colSQL As Collection) As Boolean
        Dim cmdCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim blnStatus As Boolean
        Dim trTransaction As SqlTransaction = Nothing
        Dim strSQL As String

            cmdCommand = New SqlCommand()
            cmdCommand.Connection = cnnSQLClient
            trTransaction = cnnSQLClient.BeginTransaction()          
            cmdCommand.Transaction = trTransaction

            For Each strSQL In colSQL
                cmdCommand.CommandText = strSQL
            blnStatus = True

        Catch ex As Exception
            blnStatus = False
        End Try
        trTransaction = Nothing
        Return blnStatus
    End Function

  'Function to backup the database
    Public Shared Function BackupDatabase(ByVal strDatabse As String, ByVal strFileName As String, ByVal strBackupName As String) As Boolean
        Dim cmdCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim strSQL As String
        Dim blnRetVal As Boolean

            cmdCommand = New SqlCommand

            strSQL = "BACKUP DATABASE [" & strDatabse & "] TO " _
                & " DISK=N'" & strFileName & "' " _
                & " WITH NOFORMAT, INIT,  NAME=N'" & strBackupName & "', " _
                & " SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10"
            cmdCommand.CommandText = strSQL
            cmdCommand.Connection = ConnectionManager.cnnSQLClient
            blnRetVal = True
        Catch ex As Exception
            blnRetVal = False
        End Try

        Return blnRetVal
    End Function

    'Function to restore the database from backup file
        Public Shared Function RestoreDatabase(ByVal strDatabse As String, ByVal strBackupFileName As String, ByVal strRestorePath As String) As Boolean
        Dim cmdCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim strSQL As String
        Dim blnRetVal As Boolean

            cmdCommand = New SqlCommand

            strSQL = "RESTORE DATABASE [" & strDatabse & "]" _
                & " FROM DISK = N'" & strBackupFileName & "' " _
                & " WITH  FILE = 1,  " _
                & " MOVE N'" & strDatabse & "_Data' TO N'" & strRestorePath & "\" & strDatabse & "_Data.mdf',  " _
                & " MOVE N'" & strDatabse & "_Log' TO N'" & strRestorePath & "\" & strDatabse & "_Log.ldf',  " _
                & " NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10"

            cmdCommand.CommandText = strSQL
            cmdCommand.Connection = ConnectionManager.cnnSQLClient

            blnRetVal = True
        Catch ex As Exception
            blnRetVal = False
        End Try

        Return blnRetVal
    End Function 

End Class

This class can be used to connect to databases other than MS-SQL Server by changing the library from SqlClient to Odbc or OleDb. If you are changing the library, connection string also has to be changed accordingly. Some of the functions like BackupDatabase, RestoreDatabase, etc. also may require some modifications, based on the specifications of the database server.

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