Tuesday, 26 August 2014

C Program to find out the area of a rectangle

C Program to find out the area of a rectangle
This is a C program to find out area of a rectangle. It will be useful to the beginners of C programming. In this example, it takes the length and breadth of the rectangle as input to the program, calculates the area using the formula length * breadth and prints the result.

See the source code of the program

                Program to find out the area of a rectangle
                inputs  : length and breadth
                output  : area

# include <stdio.h>

void main () {
                float length,breadth, area;


                printf ("Input\n-----\n\n");
                printf ("Enter length of the rectangle:");
                scanf ("%f", &length);
                printf ("Enter breadth of the rectangle:");
                scanf ("%f", &breadth);

                area = length * breadth;

                printf ("\n\nOutput\n------\n\n");
                printf("Area of the rectangle is:%.2f", area);

                printf("\n\nPress any key to continue...");


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